Celebrate 2025 in style!


  • You can cancel your order at least 48 hours ahead of the scheduled delivery by sending a message to us on Whatsapp at +65 8298 8344.
  • Refunds will be made in the form of store coupons for future purchases. Note that these coupons will expire after 180 days.
  • Cancellations made less than 48 hours before the scheduled delivery will incur a $25 administrative cost, deducted from the store coupons you’ll receive. These coupons will expire after 180 days.
  • Once the item is out for delivery, retrieval is not possible, and fulfillment is considered completed upon receipt by the recipient or someone on their behalf at the specified location.



  • Changes to your order of the same or higher value can be made at least 48 hours ahead of scheduled delivery by sending a message to us on Whatsapp at +65 8298 8344.
  • No refunds for the balance will be provided if changing to a lower value item.
  • Amendments made less than 48 hours before the scheduled delivery will incur a $25 administrative cost.
  • Similar to cancellations, once the item is out for delivery, retrieval is not possible, and fulfillment is considered completed upon receipt.



  • Report any damage to the product via Whatsapp at +65 8298 8344 within 12 hours of delivery.
  • Assessments for damage will be conducted by our trusted delivery partner.
  • We accept reports of damages only within the initial 12-hour period after delivery.
  • Check the product during self-collection or confirm its condition with the recipient.
  • In case of damage due to our fault, we will arrange for a 1-to-1 replacement at no cost.
  • While we strive to replace the product promptly, we can’t guarantee same-day delivery or an identical replacement if the item is out of stock. Out-of-stock items may be replaced with equivalents of equal value without prior notification.